VaR Risk for Gain. Value-at-Risk for -(Linear Loss ) scenarios, i.e., α% percentile of -(Linear Loss) scenarios.
var_risk_g(α, matrix) |
short call |
var_risk_g_name(α, matrix) |
call with optional name |
matrix is a Matrix of Scenarios:
where the header row contains names of variables (except scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark). Other rows contain numerical data. The scenario_probability, and scenario_benchmark columns are optional.
is a confidence level.
Mathematical Definition
VaR Risk for Gain function is calculated as follows:
is VaR function,
is Loss function (See section Loss and Gain Functions),
is an argument of VaR Risk for Gain function.
Case Studies with VaR for Gain
See also
VaR Normal Independent, VaR Normal Dependent,
VaR Deviation, VaR Deviation Normal Independent, VaR Deviation Normal Dependent,
VaR for Mixture of Normal Independent, VaR Deviation for Mixture of Normal Independent