Portfolio Replication with Risk Constraint



Problem. optimization setting for a portfolio replication problem with the replication error measured by Mean Absolute Penalty

Simplified Problem Statement

Mathematical Problem Statement

Problem dimension and solving time

Solution in Run-File Environment

Solution in MATLAB Environment






The case study demonstrates optimization setting for a portfolio replication problem with the replication error measured by Mean Absolute Penalty. Under performance of the portfolio compared to S&P100 index is measured by CVaR. Distribution of residuals is shaped with a CVaR constraint (several constraints can be specified, if of interest). We replicated S&P100 index using 30 stocks belonging to this index (tickers: GD, UIS, NSM, ORCL, CSCO, HET, BS, TXN, HM, INTC, RAL, NT, MER, KM, BHI, GEN, HAL, BDK, HWP, LTD, BAC, AVP, AXP, AA, BA, AGC, BAX, AIG, AN, AEP). Historical data on stock prices are used for building scenario matrices.

This case study was considered in Rockafellar and Uryasev (2002). For other references on portfolio

replication, see, for instance, Andrews et al. (1986), Beasley and Meade (1999), Buckley and Korn

(1998), Connor and Leland (1995), Dalh et al. (1993), Konno and Wijayanayake (2000), Rudd (1980),

and Toy and Zurack (1989).




Simplified Problem Statement


Minimize Meanabs_pen (minimizing replication error)

 subject to

Cvar_risk ≤ Const1 (CVaR constraint on the underperformance of the portfolio compared to the index)

Lenear = Const2 (budget constraint)

Box constraints (no-short constraints on exposures)




Meanabs_pen = Mean Absolute Penalty

Cvar_risk = CVaR Risk for Loss

Box constraints = constraints on individual decision variables



Mathematical Problem Statement


Formal Problem Statement


Problem dimension and solving time


Number of Variables


Number of Scenarios


Objective Value


Solving Time (sec)



Solution in Run-File Environment


Description (Run-File)


Input Files to run CS:

Problem Statement (.txt file)
DATA (.zip file)


Output Files:

Output DATA (.zip file)


Solution in MATLAB Environment


Solved with PSG MATLAB subroutine riskconstrparam (General (Text) Format of PSG in MATLAB):

Description (riskconstrparam)


Input Files to run CS:

MATLAB code (.txt file)
Data (.zip file with .m and .mat files)





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